my owl

for my owl I am doing calligraphy. calligraphy is is a visual art related to writing. it was invented in china, in (206 BCE- 220 CE). the original font for calligraphy was gothic hand also called black hand. there are three main types of calligraphy fonts: western, eastern, and Arabic. each type reflects the language and handwriting of a different region of the world. the easiest font is called round hand because it is simple, easy,ย  clear, and beautiful. but in my opinion I think the chancery italic hand is the easiest because it is vary simple and I really like this kind of calligraphy.

So I am doing calligraphy for my owl. In my project so far I have around 4 and a half hours. And in these hours i have divided it into research, starting to make my presentation, and doing calligraphy. my main goal is to get to 3 different types of calligraphy and to get really good at one. some of my smaller goals are to practice twice a week in and out of school, some of my resources so far are YouTube, calligraphy pens, and a book to teach me how to do it and how to hold the pen. the three main types i want to learn are the chancery italic hand, gothic hand, and The cincial hand. here’s a link to how to hold your calligraphy penย ๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

this concludes my blog for this week if you have any suggestions for my next blog you could put them in the comments. bye!


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